Jumat, 29 Oktober 2010

All or Nothing

hi! fadila here
i just wanna share one of my favourite song
the song is called All Or Nothing by O-Town
i know about this song from All Time low yeay! thank u so much guys
sbnrnya ini lagu galau kawan, tapi bukan berarti gue galau loh hehe gue cuma suka aja lagunya enak, yaa sekalian misalkan ada yg lg galau abis diputusin gitu bisa dengerin lagunya disini

i know when he's been on your mind
the distant look is in your eyes
i thought you with time you realize it's over, over

it's not the way i choose to live
and somethin' somewhere's gotta give
a share in this relationship gets older, older

you know i'd fight for you but
how could i fight some one who isn't even there
i've had the rest of you now
i want the best of you, i don't care if that's not fair

cause i want it all
or nothing at all
there's nowhere left to fall
when you reach the bottom it's now or never
is it all?
or are we just friends
is this how it ends
with a simple telephone call?
you leave me here with nothing at all

there are the time it seems to me
i'm sharing you with memories
i feel it in my heart but i don't show it show it

then there's times you look at me
as though i'm all that you could see
those time i don't believe it's right i know it,know it

don't make me promises baby
you never did know how to keep the well
i've had the rest of you now
i want the best if you it's time to show and tell

cause i want it all
or nothing at all
there's nowhere left to fall
when you reach the bottom it's now or never
is it all?
or are we just friends
is this how it ends
with a simple telephone call?
you leave me here with nothing at all

cause you and i
could lose it all if you've got no more room
nowhere inside for me in your life

cause i want it all
or nothing at all
there's nowhere left to fall
when you reach the bottom it's now or never
is it all?
or are we just friends
is this how it ends
with a simple telephone call?
you leave me here with nothing at all

okeey, byee all

Minggu, 24 Oktober 2010

Quatrolympic3 Indonesia Magnifica

hi! fadila here
hosh hari ini sangat menyenangkan hehe etapi sbnrnya kemarin juga sih
oke maaf bgt postingan gue yg ini rada panjang :) so hope you enjoy it

sabtu, 23 oktober 2010
nah hari sabtu ini gue lomba saman hehe ini lomba pertama tim saman angkatan gue actually
gue lomba di SMA Al-azhar 4 kemang pratama yg acaranya bernama Quatrolympic3 Indonesia Magnifica
tim saman dari sekolah gue (SMP Al-azhar 6 jakapermai) ada 2tim. tim A yg kls 9 sama tim B yg kelas 8
tetapi sayang banget salah 1 dari tim kami gak ada yg menang huhu :(
but it's ok, mungkin lain waktu yaa hehe. oiya selamat buat para pemenang yaitu:
-smpn 11 (kalo gasalah)
-SMPI Al-azhar 9
-SMP Al-ikhlas
yg SMA nya gue gak hafal hehe maaf yaa
sekali lagi selamat buat kalian :) ohiya sama tim futsal jp gue denger denger kalian juara1 ya? selamat juga yaa

Minggu, 24 oktober 2010
sipss nih hari ini nih seruuuuuuuu
hari ini itu closing-an nya Quatrolympic3. nah disitu ada guest star nya
ada Thirteen, The S.I.G.I.T, AOA, dll deh
gue kesana bareng vidya, anne, mitha, nadya, tian, hani, farah trs disana ketemu diana, chika, firda, chika, sama anak anak Sevorent
abis itu dimulai kan acaranya ada SALZHA (saman al-azhar) kan dia buka acara kalo gasalah.
trs ada nyanyi2 gitu deh cewek cewek, terus AOA , abs itu bosen kita keluarkan makan makan, eh pas thirteen kita lgsg masuk lagi deh, mantep coy pada moshing BAHAHA serem sih sbnrnya untung aja gue sama yg lain ambil tempataman -_- gue cukup menghayati (?) thirteen pas manggung.....................nggadeng sbnrnya gue terpaku sama 1org, yaitu pemain synth nya wkwk sumpah ganteng!!! ehtapi waktu cherry petite rasberry gue beneran cukup menghayati tuh
nah abis thirteen gue sama yg lain keluar, trs makan (lagi) dll deh gak penting trs jam setengah 5an gue, anne, zahra pulang deh hehehe
hari ini sangat menyenangkan kawan :) terimakasih banyak
ehiyaaa sampe lupa, congratulation buat zahra & rafif yg jadian (lagi) longlassttt
jika ingin melihat foto foto nya selahkan lihat disini

okeey, byee all

Jumat, 01 Oktober 2010

miss you so damn much guys :'(

hi! fadila here
kawan sekarang gue sedang kangen dengan....................jeng jeng jeng jeng (paansihdil
oke jangan mikir yg aneh aneh dulu ah gue kangen sama ALL TIME LOW kok ^^v
skrg lagi All time low day nih hehe HAPPY ALL TIME LOW DAY yaa semua!! terutama buat para hustler nih hehe gue sendiri sbnrnya gak ikut hustler club bayar abisan wkwk
oke untung merayakan all time low day ini gue mau share video video aja deh ok?sip


ini fotonya sekalian deh hehe

once again Happy All Time Low day
okeey, byee all